Sunday, August 6, 2017

Update from the Lich Queen (8/7/17)

Hey! Sorry there wasn't a friday post, I've been extraordinarily busy. Between artwork, last minute D&D prep, and even some bot coding; I haven't had a lot of time. I'll definitely get to work on something for this week.


Worked on this little halfing asshole, and some other stuff I haven't quite finished. I have more


D&D Prep

I've had to do a lot of prep, getting characters ready and preparing extra maps, as well as designing a larger goblin cave for a bigger party. I had to tone down some of it as well, expecting players to be a little clumsier since we have even more beginners in the party now. The premise is simple, they need to cross the ocean, to do that they need a boat, and the only captain who wants to take them right now was missing his crew. He offered free rides if they could bring them back, and so he accepted.

The Game

This was just a blast. Mostly everyone showed up and was ready. I sent them off towards the goblin problem, and watched them unfold the whole thing slowly. They tried the frontal approach, and quickly got the hint that people can get seriously hurt, and that you shouldn't screw with large numbers of hobgoblins. The party played pretty tactically, and I think the experience was pretty fun overall.

They spent some time interrogating goblins and hobgoblins, and quickly learned that the Kiru tribe really disliked the stronger more aggressive, Gorach tribe. They formed a temporary alliance and helped run out the Gorach's and their master.

The chaotic evil ranger got a hold of some goblin-made explosives, and started throwing them around. Which left us with some fantastic moments, a lot of it being banter about what was going to happen on the roll of a 1; which surprisingly didn't happen. He also blew up all the henchmen that were hired on "accident", just part of their job description, and all.

Overall the game was a huge blast, and the party leveled up!

I think one of my favorite aspects, however, is that the strange half reptile, half goblin is now their friend. And the traitorous yellow goblin that talked is also their friend. I guess they're more of pets, but they're being treated pretty nicely. Oh also, they named the reptile thingy George!

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