Monday, August 28, 2017

Update from the Lich Queen 8/28/17


I got my name and gender marker changed! It's official now, according to the state I'm a girl. Fantastic. It's both exciting, and a little scary. In general though, it's awesome. You should've seen me, I was shaking so much through the whole thing. I've been crazy busy.


I actually have done a bit of artwork. Here you go!


I got the remaster, and let me tell you, I'm addicted. Played through most of the campaign, and uh, played a few ladder games. I suck again! It's a good feeling though, the game is enjoyable. I'm playing Terran at the moment, I used to be a Protoss player but so far that is slowly changing, as I'm highly enjoying the slow push of Terran siege with mechs. I'm not a huge fan of bio in all honesty, but it's not because it's bad, it's because I have a giant bias towards robots. However I'm practicing both, and I can pretty confidently beat an AI, players are another story. I've beaten one or two, and lost all the rest.

I'm considering making some posts about Starcraft actually. I think it could be fun.


So this is actually going to be two sessions since I didn't make a thing about the last one.

Session 1

The party mutinied and was about to throw the captain overboard, our CG character stopped it and the CNs agreed that we'd keep him died up for the time being (spoiler alert, the CE finished him off later). They went to town inspected the goods they had and made a deal, which down in a shady part of town. After an obvious ambush and a showdown, they made off with their loot and were about to head back to the ship before we ended.

Session 2

This was rather fun, we were missing some people, they explored the missing people reports and were ambushed by a doppelganger and his Naga men, a plot to lure helpless victims to captivity. The players had brought a sizeable force to combat them, and were able to fend them off. However one of them escaped, and the Naga decided to launch their attack before the town could ready their full defenses.

This worked out in the Naga's favor, and it wasn't really about the players losing in this section, it was more about an epic cinematic set piece that I got to show off. I know, people aren't fond of cinematic style gameplay, but this was one of those cases where I thought it would work. This was all improv too so I didn't have time to debate the whole thing.

Either way, people seemed to enjoy it. The players went to the front lines and held the forces off while all the ships on the dock loaded every spot they could with civilians and guards. Eventually, they hopped on board the captain's ship, the rogue throwing a bomb to fend off some of the Naga as the remaining men hopped on board. As they sailed off back towards Dock Town, they heard this massive roar as a hulking Kraken jumped from the water, it's limbs flaying around as it began attacking to last few boats. The players all began firing at it wildly, the ranger rolling a fantastic crit and hitting the beast in it's eye. It recoiled in pain and dunked it's head back into the water, trying to get away from the accurate bow fire. It was only a delay, but it was just enough to ensure the rest of the boats could escape.

In the end, the town belonged to the Naga, but everyone seemed to have a good time.

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