Monday, July 31, 2017

Update from the Lich Queen (7/31/17)

Well, I had to make characters for a huge party, of around 6 or 7 players, I really only expected 3 or 4. So, let's just say it was hectic, and pretty messy. But people had fun, even the newer players who weren't interested in the game too much, were starting to get into the character generation.

We have a crazy group of chaotic characters, ranging from good to evil, with a lot of guys sitting atop the fence. Some of them are a part of the band that is on their way to Almore to compete in a competition, and the others are just travelling with, likely as bodyguards, and some of them for their own reasons. Most of the characters, just want to party and have fun, so this will be interesting.

I'm actually really needing to redirect parts of my quest and will be having to rework content to accommodate more players, and if some aren't there, I can scale it down. I'm not entirely sure what the entire quest is going to entail, and the entire scenario may need a rework. I'm debating on that, a lot right now.

We have a:

  • CN Halfling Rogue
  • CN Halfling Bard (Yes, they're twins)
  • CN Dwarf Barbarian
  • CN Dwarf Fighter
  • CG Dwarf Druid
  • CG Half-Elf Warlock
  • CE Elf Ranger
So yes, this party is going to cause some mayhem.

But basically, I've been busy with D&D, and am highly excited.

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