Monday, July 17, 2017

Update from the Lich Queen (7/17/17)

The blog is up and running! I'm going to hopefully rebuild the website's appearance and fine tune it to my liking, but in the meantime I'll be focusing on writing some content. I'm going to be busy for the next few days, but I hopefully will have something written up for Friday, I've been reviewing the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons material, and skimming over the rules to prepare for an upcoming game which brings me to my next talking point.

I've been building a map for an upcoming 5E game with some older players of mine who have always been somewhat fun to play with.

Welcome to the world of Aldoras!

I spent sometime practicing mountains and this was sort of a test to see if I could get an alternate style, and I think it worked. They'll be starting in the region of Oldorf, as a party of travelling dwarven musicians. Additionally, I'm toying with an idea which I'll probably write a follow-up later; fog-of-war. Roll20 comes with a built in fog-of-war system, and with a little patience I think it can be a fun tool for the overworld map, letting the players explore on their own and discover things slowly. It looks barren right now, but imagine what it will look like when the players finally uncover the whole thing?

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